It’s been a while since I last posted here but I’m in Niamey till Sunday the 14th so I decided I should post something and post pictures! Life’s still going good in the bush. I’m finally starting to find out what my villagers want and after a visit from PC people the women have stopped asking me for medicine, my cloths, my water…..etc etc ….. All my animals are in heath; Dodo the cat is growing and starting to learn to catch his own food! My chickens are great though my rooster now that all the hens in our house don’t “need” him right now has wondered off, one of my hens when I left was setting on eggs, she laid 9 and I took them away and gave her 10 guinea fowl eggs and after she sat on those for a week I gave her 6 of her own eggs back but ones gone missing since then so she’s setting on 15 eggs. My other hen I think from the sounds I hear is laying eggs in my neighbors house so after I get back if she’s setting on them by then I’m going to move her and her eggs over to our house one evening because I’m afraid if I did it before then she’d just forget about the eggs I moved and continue to lay eggs next door. I plan to buy a ewe next month and get her bred and Insha Allah if she gives birth to two boy babies I have plans on ways to raise them so show my villagers different ways to raise meat animals (I still have plans for other combos of babies but boys are what I would prefer) and later on when they are older sell them to my villagers for a much reduced price for whatever reason they need a sheep (naming ceremony, holiday, etc).
And new pictures
Heres my landlords dad's grainry where he keeps his millet. My landlord is IN the structure putting the rope around the bundles and his brothers are the ones in the picture.

Here my landlord, counterpart and friend are putting more mud on the South side of my house so when it rains from the south water dosen't come IN my house. 5 bulls desided to attack my wall after all this and punched big holes in my consession wall...
Here me and my landlord are walking out to the fields.
Here's him working in his field weeding around the bean plants.
And he told me to work so he could take a picture and show everyone in america me farming.

And drinking tea with Malam Ousman and some of the younger(~30s) guys.