Jody's new address is:
Jody Kincaid, PCV
Corps de la Paix
BP 226
Maradi, Niger
West Africa
Jody has been selected to serve the next two years near the city of Maradi in southeastern Niger. There will be 32 Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV) serving in the Maradi area.
The plans are to have the trainees come to Maradi from Niamey on Sunday, Feb 24. They'll then spend a few days in their respective villages, and return to Niamey the following Saturday, March 1st where they will complete their training. The volunteers will be sworn in on March 14th. At that time they will return to the Maradi Transit House then on to their villages. Jody will live in a concession with a young family. In a village 30 kilometers West of Maradi and 2 - 3 kilometers north of the main road.
The Maradi PCVs share an email account:
You should write Jody's name in the subject heading. The computer is pretty good about shuttling messages into individual volunteer inboxes. Jody will pick up her emails when she is able to come the PCV Transit house in Maradi which could be only once a month or so. Therefore do not expect a quick reply.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
I'll post more later! Its taking to long to upload right now!
Selena and her daughtor Lela, SeaBass's cats durring our tech trip!!
One of the sheep my family owns and her week old babies
A Fulan lady and her kids at the culture fair
These are teh sheep and goat we (the Animal Husbandry people) bought durring PST the sheep is the one thats half and half! Some of the girls named the goat Fudgie and the Sheep Moonie after the Secretary-General of the UK!
26PCTs in a Bush Taxi built for 19!!!!
This is what I have every Sunday for lunch! Shincaffa da wake(rice and beans) with Tonka(red peppers, chicken bullion cube and salt pounded into a powder). My dinners are usually Rice and Sauce with some nights having a small piece of meat. I had Tuo Massara (corn pounded up then ground into a fine powder then boiled untill its a THICK blob) one night and it didnt agree with my stomach so i eat only sauce the nights they give me that....

The Wadabi(sp?) the coolest ethnic group in NIGER

In Niamey again...
this time I'm spending the night in the infermary. I've had a sore throat and a fevor for 3 days now and finaly since it didn't go away I was sent here. I have strep throat accompanied by a 102.9F fevor!!! Fun! Atleast its not intestional amobeas and/or bacteria (Niger is said to be the poopiest(cencerd for little eyes) in Peace Corps so all of the water we drink is filterd and treated with bleach by us. Site anouncements was this afternoon! I will be the first PCV in my village about 30km west of Maradi and about 2-3km off the main road and hopefully the ground is hard enough for me to get a bike!!! I asked my APCD(Assoiate Peace Corps Director...i think) to please, if he can, not to place me in a village where i have to walk in a LOT of deep sand and he seems to have done the best he could!!! So far I've seen a lot of Zarma land (the west) because Hausa land is to far for them to do any of the trips in. I'll post more later when my brain is still working! I'm going to try and upload pictures (In sha Allah "God Willing")
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