Friday, May 30, 2008

The Story Continued

To, now for the story...

Our counterparts got her Sunday the 18th and we spent Monday and Tuesday with them at Hamdy learning Peace Corps stuff. Tuesday evening they were suposed to be leaving for Niamey to leave back to our villages Wednesday. Well late that afternoon a HUGE sand storm blew in me and some of the other girls spend 10 mins bringing in all the mattresses and mosqueto nets so they wouldnt blow away or rip (pic below is AFTER we did all this). Then after the storm....the skys opend up and it POORED!!!! It rained all night

Here is Me my friend angie's counterpart and my Counterpart Mamane.And heres a picture of all of us and out counterparts and the formatures(teachers)

So I'm done with training now and heading back to Maradi tomorrow at 5am I'm not sure what day ill head back to my Village because i have to do my first Triyearly report before i head out. Ill try to get to one of the internet cafe's before i head out but no promises.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Look what rolled in last Tuesday May 20th.

I have more pictures but this up load session was cut short and i dont have my pictures with me so this'll have to keep yall till i get online with pictures again...the whole story will come with them

Saturday, May 17, 2008


The view through my concession door.

Here's a picture of my house from next to my latrine.
Heres a picture of my house from right behind my shade hanger wall Ive hung my hammock sence this picture was hangs from the log next to my door to one of the logs thats about in the middle of the millet stalk wall on my shade hanger

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So now that i have some time let me post the pics I have of my chickens. I have 2 hens and a rooster the Rooster is the whiter one in the pic of them up on my concession wall.

And heres a Charriat Spider or Rozo Rozo as my villagers call it Suposatly they carry scorpians on their back but none ive seen have had one!

More Pics

Magari, Ousman (setting by the flag pole) his brother, the butcher and one of Ousman's sons
My landlord Mamane and his youngest Seragi and Mamane one of my counter parts is just out of hte picture
My landlords 3 kids (I think he has another one from a previous marrage but not totaly sure)
Look what my village gave me two saturdays ago before I left for market!! I also bought 3 chickens the same day at market!
Midday Prayer(~2pm) (taken from inside one of my schools class rooms)

Little girl in the school for World Vision's data collection stuff

Back for more training!

Well I'm back in Niamey for 2 weeks of training so im on LAN here in the hostle because the wireless broke so I'm try and put up some pics. I'm only posting a few pictures right now because somene else wants to use the internet! I want to give a great big shout out to Chay's mom Mary! I'll post more later tonight

This is Mamane my land lord

Nigerian School bell
My Magari (village cheif) If you click on the picture you can see his facal scaring he has full on whiskers!


The views and opinions reflected throughout this site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.