And he brought us all stockings!!

I decorated our lime tree for our christmas tree! Some ornament improvising was done!

Maradi Family Picture!!

And Ousmane petite with a christmas tree hat on!

We woke up sunday morning (some with hangovers) and opened gifts sent from home and then cooked all day getting ready for our hamburger x-mas dinner. We did secret santa before dinner each opening the gifts one at a time so everyone can see what everyone else got! We had a 2000Fcfa price limit and had to be bought in Niger (not from a care package) and a LOT of realy great things were bought!
Thought id add some more pictures
Heres 2 pictures of my village tailors.


Its watermellon season in my area of Niger. This is what i call my Bush Fridge. Its the clay thing i keep my water in so that its nice and cold all year round.