Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More Pictures from the Bush

Chickens!! The grey one in back isnt mine!

Dodo and his CRAZY eyes

Millet Field near my house its even higher now!!

My field..again plants are higher and the sorgum has heads now.

My garden in my house....the corn has flowers now....and isnt much taller.


Jane said...

This pictures are great Jody! So, I assume they plant these fields by hand with just hoes as equipment! Amazing! Do you have tomatoes on those plants yet?

Jody said...

No tomatoes yet just flowers when I left. And yes most farming is done with a hoe...though a special one i should get pictures of all the tools and post them eventualy!! A lot of farmers use animal traction to plant peanuts and then to weed after planting.


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